Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Challenge - WICKED WITH WINGS

Welcome back for another challenge here at Smudgy Antics!

Did everyone survive Valentine's Day Forced Affection Day last week?  I hope so! i never trusted that blasted Cupid myself.  There's just something wrong with a grown man walking around half-naked in a diaper "in the name of love".  Cupid is evil I say!  Anyway, enough of my babble.  Let's get on with this week's challenge, shall we?

The theme for this week's challenge is "Wicked With Wings".

We are curious to see your take on this challenge.  What does "Wicked With Wings" mean to you?  Are you afraid of flying stinging insects?  Do demons haunt you in your sleep?  Have you ever seen a fae?  Is a bird your familiar?

  Get creative and don't be afraid to think outside the box.  We can't wait to see what you come up with!  BTW, you do not have to make a card.  We also accept altered items, art journal pages, mixed media pieces, etc.  As long as there is a stamped image and you follow the rules on the left sidebar, it's all fair game. 

For your inspiration, here are some projects from the Smeared Ink DT:

  The Prize

Smeared Ink's Quoth the Raven Wings

Remember, be sure to link up by Midnight on Saturday PST to qualify for a prize then check back on Sunday for the random draw winner.  

To be eligible for the coveted top three badge, be sure to use at least one Smeared Ink image.

If you like our challenges you should drop by our forum where we have additional monthly challenges as well as monthly blog hops and ATC swaps.

Have Fun!


  1. Ooops! Where did Mr. linky go? Let me see if I can find him!

  2. OK...Mr. linky seems to be behaving now :)

  3. Yea! Been meaning to play. Fab DT work. xxD

  4. Wonderful artwork! I've added mine also.

  5. I made this card today, just for this challenge and using S&S's very sketchy challenge.
    I also want you all to know, I think the DTs have done a super wicked job on all of these inspirations! Hope you all have a wicked day!!
